Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A tale of a texting relationship

I just read an interesting post about why some men are still single, and one of the reasons listed was that they text a woman instead of calling her. This reminds me of an extreme case of this addiction to texting that several men I have dated seem to have...

The first look we gave each other was while we were steppin' it out in step class at (you guessed it) the gym. I didn't really pay attention to him for the many Mondays we stepped across the room from each during step class, but then one night I saw him at a community event in a suit. That's when I knew it was destiny, lol. I even found out that one of my older co-workers knew his family well and vouched that this was an "honorable" man. (Take note of the word "honorable" and tell me after you read this if this is an accurate description of "Mr. Smooth Texter" (Mr. ST)). It turns out that Mr. ST was also around my age and a successful banker. On top of all of this, he actually seemed interested in me. This was going well. So we started talking at the gym every time we saw each other and ended up exchanging e-mails. Everything seemed OK until I realized he wasn't really making any moves to ask me out. Finally, one day he asked what my plans were for an upcoming weekend, and I knew I was finally going to go on a date. I ended up telling him that I had plans to go to a movie, and then he pretty much invited himself along. OK, so maybe this wasn't the best way to ask a woman out, but come on, he was a successful banker and into community service and the gym! I could cut him some slack. You can imagine my surprise though when Saturday came and an hour before the movie, I still had not heard from him. I, being the the independent woman that I am, went to the movies solo, and about 20 minutes into the movie received a text from Mr. ST saying that he had overslept from a nap and was on his way in his PJ's. The text was pretty much signed, "please don't judge." This was the beginning of our texting relationship.

For the next month or so we went out a few more times, and then I invited him over to watch the Olympics. It turned out he liked to cuddle, and you know by reading my other posts that I don't mind that one bit. However, next thing I know, he is texting me to come over and watch the Olympics rather than going out. I promise when I say that he never made a move--never even tried to kiss me. I found this really strange, but I wasn't going to push the issue because frankly I was glad to be with a guy who wasn't trying to pressure me into anything that I wasn't going to do anyway. After a few nights of this, however, I brought up the fact that we never actually went out anymore. He kind of laughed off the subject and then our relationship became all about the texting. A week later I got a text from him that read something like, "I would come over again, but I'm not sure if I could control myself." Hmm... I pretty much brushed it off and decided this guy was too weird. Here he had had plenty of opportunities to try and pursue something physical with me and now here he was dropping sexual innuendos via texting. So much for being "honorable" and available.

And would you believe that a year later, I'm still getting text messages of this nature from him. I still see him around town quite a bit since he is involved in some of the same things as me. What's crazy though is that after every time I see him, within a few hours, he sends me a text that reads something like, "Good seeing you. You looked GOOD!! :) I really wanted to jump you." I know you're probably thinking that I must be replying for him to still be sending me these types of text messages, but I promise you, if I do respond, it's usually just to say that I enjoyed the event. I mean, why in the world does he still send me texts like this a year later?

Yes, Mr. ST completely baffles me. I really can't think of a lesson I've learned about myself through my interactions with him, except that I should just tell him how crazy I think he is and tell him the texting must come to an end. One of these days I will finally reach my breaking point and break up with him...via text of course :-)

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